Thursday, October 2, 2008

How Vulnerable Are You to Stress?

Take the stress test. Is each statement true for you?

1. I can usually express my feelings openly at home, work, or school.
2. I have close friends or family members I can confide in.
3. I can manage my time effectively and don’t feel overwhelmed by work.
4. In general, I enjoy the work that I do (at work, school, or both).
5. Overall, I feel that I am doing a good job (at work, school, or both).
6. Most of the time I feel that someone appreciates the work that I do (my boss, teachers, family members, etc).
7. I usually don’t worry about unimportant things or things I can’t change.
8. I’m in good health.
9. I usually get enough sleep at night.
10. I generally eat a balanced diet.
11. I get at least half an hour of moderate exercise almost every day.
12. I usually drink no more than two cups of coffee (or other caffeinated beverages) a day.
13. I don’t smoke.
14. I take vacations regularly.
15. I take some quiet time by myself almost every day.
16. I have hobbies or social activities that I enjoy doing regularly.
17. I don’t worry about money very much.
18. I don’t live or work in a big city.
19. I usually spend less than half an hour commuting (in each direction) to work or school.
20. I make an effort to change my routine from time to time.

Scoring: To find your score, count the number of statements that are true for you.
(A higher score means lower stress.)
- If your score is 16-20, you are probably experiencing low to normal stress.
- If your score is 11-15, you are probably experiencing quite a bit of stress.
- If your score is 10 or lower, you are probably experiencing a lot of stress.

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